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DAP Measurement Studio (DAPstudio), a PC application, provides user interface features without requiring any Windows programming. DAPstudio also offers a rich development environment: it presents you with each software tool you need at the very moment you need it, at every stage in the development process. DAPstudio lets you develop applications quickly and easily, using the full DAPL command set. In most cases you really need no other software to develop and run any application. Learn more... Or download now. Please enter the following information before downloading. The email field is required, so that we can send the download location to you. We will also follow up to make sure that you were able to download the file successfully. All other fields are optional. You can try DAP Measurement Studio (DAPstudio) without a DAP board installed. When you want to use the software with a DAP, note that DAPstudio 3.00 supports all PCI DAP boards, including iDSC 1816, when they are installed under current versions of Windows. |